NOXtec 1000

NOXtec is the innovative device that automatically calculates the dose flow necessary to reach the desired PPM concentration, thanks to the disposable respiratory flow sensor that is installed in the patient’s breathing circuit. Alternatively, the dose rate can be set manually.

Configurable Operational Modes

• User interface, dosing and monitoring modules fully independent to guarantee the patient’s safety.

• Automatic calibration of the NO, NO2 and O2 sensors, available even when the device is dosing.

• Different dosing modes: Real time, Automatic, Semi automatic, Manual.

• Emergency manual dosing mode with independent outlet even available when the device is off.

• Automatic venting procedure to minimize the NO2 delivered to the patient at the beginning of the treatment and during cylinder’s exchange.

• Measurement of the concentration of NO, NO2 and O2 in the room.

• Hot wire pressure technology for the measurement of the flow in the inspiratory limb.

• Option to integrate with Clinical Information System (CIS) or Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

• Connectivity for remote technical assistance.

Configurable Operational Modes

Real time: N2/NO dosing flow is proportional to the respiratory flow all the time (correction every 10ms).

Automatic: N2/NO dosing flow is calculated averaging the respiratory flow during a time (selectable between 3-20 seconds).

Semi automatic: Respiratory flow value is defined by the user in the user interface.

Manual: Dosing is controlled by the manual flow controller incorporated to the right side
of the device. Gas will be delivered by the same dosing gas outlet.


Contact us by calling +353 (0)1 450 9050 or emailing