Electronic BD Test Starter kit with EBI 16


Electronic BD Test Starter kit with EBI 16

The EBI 16 forms together with the evaluation software Winlog.med an easy to use and reliable electronic measurement system. This allows implementing a comprehensive routine control ofsteam sterilizers by means of the alternative Bowie & Dick-Test according to EN 285 / DIN ENISO 17665. In addition to checking the penetration of steam, the relevant sterilization parameters are also checked. A vacuum test can also be carried out with this device. The EBI 16 is designed to ensure the use of 1,000 cycles or 3 years without calibration or service.


  • Reliable: clear, reproducible measurement results
  • Accurate: high-resolution graphical cycle display
  • Secure: digital data recording and storage
  • Easy: to use and evaluate


  • Daily BD Test in the RUMED
  • Patient safety